


中国外语杂志 CSSCI南大期刊 北大期刊

Foreign Languages in China

  • 11-5280/H 国内刊号
  • 1672-9382 国际刊号
  • 2.56 影响因子
  • 1-3个月下单 审稿周期

中国外语 2005年第06期杂志 文档列表

China’s English Education Reform:Trends and Issues4-10

摘要:English education suffered a setback during the period of 1949-1976.The two decades between1977 and 1996 saw a period of restoration,growth and development.To welcome the arrival of thenew century,English education has moved on to the third stage:the period of reform.The paper argues for the need for English education reform,summarizes the work we have been doingsince 1997,lists the problems we have encountered,and gives some suggestions in the concluding remarks.

Corpus-based Analysis of Chinese Learner English11-13

摘要:This paper discusses the Chinese Learner English Corpus and presents the preliminary results of itsanalysis.The last 20 years have witnessed the revival of corpus linguistics,which is characterized by theempirical approaches for quantitative and qualitative analysis of large collections of natural texts in authenticuse.As a performance-based approach,corpus linguistic studies have attracted the attention of a growingnumber of applied linguists.Over recent years learner English corpora have been widely reported,becausethe analysis of the learners’ language in real use may shed light on the nature of inter-language.Languagelearning is viewed as a process in which the learners actively engage themselves in observation,hypothesisformulation about the target language rules,and experimentation of such hypothesis in their attemptedcommunication in the target language.This paper discusses the principles of CLEC development,principlesof tagging,and measures taken to ensure the consistency in machine-aided human tagging.Based on theresults of statistical analysis of CLEC and a contrastive analysis against native English speaker corpora,errors of Chinese learners of English,over-use and under-use of collocates,and their possible causes arediscussed.Implications of the research findings in English language teaching and learning and in data-driven instruction are also presented.

On Evaluation Criteria of English Teaching Materials14-17

摘要:It is impossible to make a perfect textbook,but it is very possible to develop a series of goodteaching materials for school students.What are the criteria for evaluating good quality English teachingmaterials?This essay suggests four basic requirements and ten aspects to be taken into considerationwhen evaluating English teaching materials for schools in China.

Revisiting the Goal of EFL Pronunciation Teaching in the Chinese Context18-23

摘要:Chinese EFL learners’ performance in English pronunciation is an indication of both positive andnegative aspects of present EFL pronunciation teaching in the Chinese context.The present paperdiscusses the status quo of EFL pronunciation teaching in the Chinese context,the most commonlyfound deviations from the norm in English pronunciation,the need to redefine the goal of pronunciationteaching,and the aspects for special attention in Chinese EFL pronunciation teaching.Researches andexperiments show both an inability to distinguish sounds that carry a high functional load and aninability to deliver the information in an accepted speech flow can have a negative impact on the oralcommunication—and the listening comprehension abilities—of EFL speakers of English.ChineseEFL pronunciation,therefore,is facing the mission to redefine its goal and objective which should beboth clear and realistic and above all tailored to the needs of the learners.When the goal of ChineseEFL pronunciation teaching is clearly and appropriately defined,the learners will be expected toachieve more effective communication in oral expression and listening comprehension.

Scaffolding in Adult ESL Classrooms24-30

摘要:Literature has shown that prior studies of educational"scaffolding"(a metaphor for"making connections betweennew situations and familiar ones"for students)focus on either teacher scaffolding for child learners or peer scaffoldingfor older learners.This paper,drawing on the findings and categories of prior researchers,conducted a research onscaffolding in adult ESL classrooms,from teachers as well as from peers.Following a qualitative approach that includes observation,audio-taping,transcription,collection of artifacts(handouts),and analysis,this paper has revealed the systematic distribution and applicability of scaffolding in adult ESL classrooms.Major findings are as follows.(1)Seven forms of teacher scaffolding(namely,modeling,offering explanations,invitingparticipation/contributions,clarifying/verifying understanding,simplifying the task.repeating/revoicing/restating,feedingback)and two forms of peer scaffolding(providing a word and providing an idea)are identified.(2)Within each form,scaffolds may occur at different levels.And one scaffolding talk may be multifunctional,serving several purposessimultaneously.(3)Very often in the data,explicit evidence of the learner’s achievement can be found,showing thepositive effect of the scaffolding talks in enhancing the student’s learning.(4)Which scaffolding form to employ dependson the interactions of such factors as the nature of the learning task,the language proficiency of the student,the culturalbackground of the student,the motivation of the student,and the availability of audio-visual or text materials,etc.Cultural misunderstandings should be avoided because they are counterforce to scaffolding and could be disastrous.

An Eclectic Approach to College English Syllabus Design31-35

摘要:In response to the call of the College English Curriculum Requirements for colleges and universitiesto design their own College English Syllabuses,this paper proposes an eclectic approach to syllabusdesign which combines the pedagogical principles of the more familiar language syllabus with thoseof the content-based syllabus as well as the task-based approach in the selection,organization,presentation,and practice of the teaching content.It is argued that such an approach to syllabus designcan accommodate both language and language use on the one hand,and learners’ immediate needsand future needs on the other hand.

Do Chinese EFL Teachers Suffer from Job Burnout?36-42

摘要:Job burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job,and it is defined by the three dimensions of Emotional Exhaustion,Depersonalisation and ReducedPersonal Accomplishment.Since the 1970s,job burnout has been attracting extensive interest inpsychology and education research fields.Teachers are found to be a community prone to suffer fromjob burnout.However,so far very little research has been done to investigate ESL/EFL teachers’ jobburnout,and to the present researcher’s knowledge,no research has specifically addressed the issueof Chinese EFL teachers’ job burnout.Therefore,the present research aims at finding out to whatextent Chinese EFL teachers suffer from job burnout and what are the possible causes of their jobburnout.Results of the research are projected to be valuable to educational policy makers,teachertrainers and teachers themselves.






摘要:2005年9月23日,由英国文化协会主办的英语考试开发设计研讨会在京举行。英国文化协会中国办公室考试业务总监马博兰,上海交通大学教授、原全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会主任杨惠中,剑桥大学考试委员会Nick Charge 等国内外考试研发专家及近200名英语教师代表出席了会议,就"语言测试与语言教学"、"IELTS 考试试题开发设计"、"评估有效英语考试的标准"等内容进行了交流和讨论。此次研讨会对帮助语言教师了解 IELTS考试的效度与信度、中国考生面临的难点及如何更有效地准备考试、如何选择英语考试的内容和题型等起到了积极作用。













亚洲英语教学的新发展——第一届、第二届Asia TEFL会议综述76-78

摘要:亚洲英语教师协会第三届国际会议(The 3rdAsia TEFL International Conference)将于11月4日至6日在北京举行。为了迎接这次英语教育研究的盛会,本文对亚洲英语教师协会及其第一届和第二届国际会议做一简要介绍。1 亚洲英语教师协会(Asia TEFL)简介亚洲英语教师协会英文简称 Asia TEFL,是亚
