
时间:2023-04-28 08:50:43


































专 业: 英 语

学 号: 00000000

指导教师: 赵 草 稿


thesis writing standard for english major undergraduates:with a thesis pattern


lü ren’ai

shangqiu normal university

may 20xx

摘 要




{英文摘要及关键词内容与中文内容完全一致。注意看懂附录部分标点符号部分的内容,不要用不规范的形式输入标点符号,更不要输入错误符号。在下段键入英文摘要内容并用论文的关键词替换“key words”后的词(删除多余的词)。}

key words: word 1; word 2; word 3; word 4; word 5


摘 要 i

abstract ii

contents iii

1 简介 1

2 电子版与纸质版 1

3 模板的使用 1

3.1 键入文本 2

3.2 应用格式 2

4 论文结构与写作要求 2

4.1 封面与题目 3

4.1.1 封面 3

4.1.2 题目 3

4.2 从摘要到目录 3

4.3 正文 3

4.3.1 总体要求 3

4.3.2 标题和层次 3

4.3.3 例句及其他列表项 4

4.3.4 脚注 4

4.3.5 引用标识与参考文献 4

4.3.6 附录(可选) 6

4.3.7 页眉 6

5 其他要求及注意事项 6

references 7

附录 标点符号的计算机输入 7





{论文须提交初稿、二稿及终稿的电子版和纸质版。用microsoft word软件打开本规范的doc版,以新文件名另存到自己存放毕业论文资料的文件夹,要求文件格式为doc格式(microsoft word 1997~2003/xp版本的默认保存格式);2007及以后的版本的默认保存格式是docx,建议尽量使用较老版本的microsoft word,若使用新版,请确保保存格式为doc。另存后,直接按照本规范的要求操作直到初稿完成;每一稿都先作另存的操作再开始修改。注意在整个论文写作期间都做好u盘与网络双备份工作。







{本模板规定的格式有:[ 注意例子中的换行符(向下的直箭头)。想使编号段落的上下两行左对齐,需要换行而不分段,单击“插入”“分隔符”,选“换行符”,然后单击“确定”。]

a. 1标题1:用于一级标题;b. 1.1标题2:用于二级标题:c. 1.1.1标题3:用于三级标题:d. 正文不缩:用于一般正文段落;e. 正文左缩:用于独立成段的引文;f. 正文编号:用于按规定必须编号的段落;g. (1) 编号:用于按规定必须编号的段落;h. 参考文献:用于参考文献条目。

其中除了 (1f) 和 (1g) 要求必须用格式刷复制、粘贴格式(详见第4.3.3部分的说明),其他格式都必须从格式窗格中选。默认格式是“正文不缩”(本段使用的就是这种格式)。根据不同部分内容要求的要求按照下述方法应用格式,不能擅自更改或更换(可根据实际情况作字体倾斜等操作):把插字符打到某段,单击菜单栏里的“格式”,选“样式和格式”,在右边出现的格式窗格中单击所需格式即可。出现在格式窗格中但 (1) 中没列的格式不能随便应用。}
















{根据需要,例句、规则等尽量单独成段,统一编号,编号用 (1),(2),(3) ……的形式(顶格),全文从 (1) 开始统一连续编号(自动编号,增删编号段落后编号会自动调整),样式参照本规范的编号段落。该类段落的规定格式是“正文编号”;要求用格式刷从本规范的任何一个这类编号段落复制、粘贴格式,不要从格式窗格中选这类段落的样式。复制格式的方法是:把插字符打到任何一个此类已编号的段落中,单击“格式刷”按钮,然后再单击需要编号的段落。脚注中的例句编号用小写罗马数字i、ii、iii的形式,段落和文字格式不作特别要求。现再举例如下 (由于连续编号,故号码继续前面的 (1),是 (2) 和 (3)),作为翻译和对话类例句的参照格式:

john likes mary.约翰喜欢玛丽。

a: do you like apples?b: yes.}


{对文中内容的注释采用脚注形式[ 注释分脚注和尾注两种主要形式,前者的内容位于每页下面,后者的内容位于文章末尾。本规范规定论文写作使用脚注,不使用尾注。把插字符打到正文中需要注释的地方,单击“插入”“引用”,在展开的子菜单中单击“脚注和尾注”,再单击“确定”,键入注释内容。本注释就是脚注的形式。],全文连续编号(自动调整编号)。}


{引文是论证的辅助手段,应忠于原意,准确切题。除非特别必要,不要引用非学术文献,如通俗读物等,尤其不要引用非专业人士(如名人或领袖)的话或观点作为自己观点的支撑(尽量避免诸如“einstein says”、“confucius claims”这样的话,如果确实有必要引用一定要详细注明出处)。根据情况用直接引语或间接引语的语法形式;直接引用文字超过四至六行字时,或诗歌超过两行时,应独立成段,应用“正文左缩”格式,下面是该格式的样式:

text texttext text text. (zhang 2005, 88)

在论文中引用文献时,应加以标识,详细说明见附件2。引用的文献如果是用中文书写的,不能直接引用中文文本,必须将其意思用英文表达,一般用间接引语的形式安排,在必要时可用直接引语的形式,在后面以加方括号,方括号内注明translation mine)。


毕业论文的引用及参考文献体例以chicago体例(chicago style)的作者—年代制(author-year system)为标准。附件2包含了该标准的主要内容,请尽量按该标准写作。请注意大小写、正斜体、空格、姓与名的相对顺序、缩写形式、标点符号等。特别注意连数符不是连字符(-),而是en dash(–),可从这里复制。下面把该标准的大小写和正斜体原则略述如下:



中文文献,按照附件2第9、12页的红字的范例的样式,把汉字形式的文字转写成拉丁字母形式(注意ü不能用v代替),并把标题翻译成英文(置于方括号内)。其姓名与普通英文姓名一样处理,第一作者姓前名后,姓、名之间用逗号 + 空格隔开,非第一作者用名前姓后(不加逗号)的形式。}


{不宜放在正文中但有重要参考价值的内容(如问卷、测试题等)可编入论文的附录中,位于参考文献之后。附录采用appendix(只有一个)或appendix a、appendix b(两个以上)的形式,后面加两个空格再键入附录的标题,使用格式“1标题1”,删除标题前面的自动编号。}





除在直接引语中,尽量避免用缩略词(如isn’t, don’t, etc.等),尽量使用is not, do not, and others等形式。


区别元语言与对象语言。用英文写作,元语言是英文,对象语言是谈到的语言成份,可能是英文,也可能是其他语言,如英文字母、语素、词、短语、句子等。如果对象语言的文字是拉丁字母形式(如英文、法文、德文等),一律用不加引号的斜体字(编号例句除外),保留字母上面的两点等附加符号。在写非翻译研究类论文时,非拉丁字母文字(如日文、中文)一般应转写成拉丁字母形式,用不加引号的斜体字;在非用汉字不可的情况下(区别歧义、说明字型等)在拉丁字母形式的字词(斜体)后跟相应汉字(楷书、正体)或日文假名等字符;汉语无特殊情况其拉丁化标准一律采用汉语拼音(本规范要求词内无空格,词间有空格,略去调号),注意ü不能用v代替。翻译研究类文章可不转写成拉丁字母形式而直接使用汉字例句(用不加引号的正体字)。用单引号而不是双引号表各种意思,尤其是词(句)的语义解释(双引号作一般引用或强调时使用,双引号内再用引号时用单引号)。下面几个例子可以说明对象语言的处理方式和单引号的用法:the chinese word heiban ‘blackboard’ is a compound; similarly, the english word blackboard is also a compound;hongcha means ‘black tea’;the letter a;the suffix -ful;the sentence john hates mary;the articles the, a, an。注意在最后一个例子中,第一个定冠词属于元语言,不用斜体,第二个定冠词和两个不定冠词是对象语言,用斜体,属于对象语言的三个词之间的逗号属于元语言,用正体。}





































网络写作的软件环境包括浏览器软件、文档阅读和编辑软件、文档转换软件,以及文档存储服务几个方面。很多电脑上网浏览软件(如Internet Explorer,Google Chrome)都有相应的手机版浏览软件,但更常用的手机浏览器却是Opera,UCWEB和GO。在通过设置正确的上网方式后,手机和电脑就能利用浏览器使用大多数共同资源了。网络上有较多优秀的在线free word processors,不需要在电脑或者手机上安装。使用方便而功能又几乎能与Microsoft Word媲美的当属Google Documents。用户通过联网手机或者电脑在获得免费Gmail账户后即可进入自己的文档空间,创建文件并进行编辑和储存,安全性能较高。其它所涉及的软件主要依据资料的文档类型而定,但通常是.doc,.ppt,.xls文件,这些都能上传到Google Docs打开或编辑;对于.caj,.kdh,.pdf,.省略、搜搜问问)、电子商务(如淘宝网店)、电子图书馆、个人社会关系获取或者传递所需的电子资源。把握所需信息必须了解的程度,适可而止,同时也要明确不同信息的所需类型(网络工具书、普通网络文本、网络图书、电子学术期刊、图片资料、视频资料、音频资料、软件、数据库等),以便于利用搜索引擎的不同功能或者专门搜索引擎进行比较准确的查找,或者便于确定在广域网还是学校电子图书馆查找。信息的评价是指通过阅读所获信息、比较同类资源、查询作者背景、查看网站域名和信息组织方式等,筛选获得的信息。通常,如果信息者没有学术或者高校工作背景,可以查看网站是否属于.edu,.gov.省略网域来作出初步评估。信息的整理是指通过summarizing,synthesizing,paraphrasing,quoting,highlighting和commenting等方式进行处理,利用众多的免费在线软件服务,对过滤后的信息作用进行评价和标识,并通过超链接等方式把它们整合到自己的写作计划中。信息的使用是指合理合法地使用资源,尊重信息者的使用协议,遵循APA,MLA或者CMS等文献使用的学术道德规范。

络写作过程中还有一些标准模板和自动程序可以使用;常用的有论文写作模板和文献引用的自动生成程序。很多美国大学和研究机构都有MLA,APA或者CMS格式的论文写作模板(template)可以下载,写作者只需要在相应版块写入相应内容即可。但选用的时候要注意模板所对应的论文格式印刷版本,以避免信息陈旧问题。而论文文献格式的自动生成程序(bibliography generator)则可以帮助解决复杂的引用规范问题。使得文内引用(in-text citation)、脚注和尾注(footnote and endnote),以及文后的书目制作轻而易举就能完成。在众多的相关程序中,综合性和信度都比较高的是Son of Citation Machine;它包括了主要文献格式和主要文献类型的引用格式,也及时更新了文献格式的版本,是网络写作的可靠资源之一。

论文写作过程中的信息沟通主要是和指导老师的充分交流,和同学的必要交流,以及和虚拟社区相关人士的有限交流。与指导老师交流的目的是为了提高论文整体质量和按时完成毕业论文,可以通过手机或者电脑的电子邮件或者实时通讯软件(communication software)实现;和同学交流主要是为了获取或者交流信息,也可以通过手机或者电脑的电子邮件或者实时通讯软件实现;和虚拟社区相关人士的交流主要是为了在保证信息安全的情况下获取所需信息,主要通过社区群组(groups,communities,forums)和电子邮件来实现。

利用网络写作本科毕业论文可以比较有效地防止网络抄袭行为,包括表层网络抄袭、深层网络抄袭和网络兜售的论文。表层网络抄袭是指抄袭不需要提交用户信息就可以检索到的网页资源,付费的数据库和网络资源不在此列。除了把学生论文的可疑部分或者关键部分的关键词放到通用搜索引擎中搜索以外,还可以使用在线的文献抄袭检测系统(plagiarism checker/detector/scanner)发现这种行为,譬如EVE2和Viper Anti-plagiarism Scanner。深层网络抄袭主要是指抄袭数据库资源。检测这种行为可以分为两种策略:一是关键词搜索:先把论文的可疑部分或者关键部分通过国内外数据库专用搜索引擎进行检索;在检测到抄袭行为的情况下,如果可能,还可以把相应的论文下载到本地计算机,通过文件对比软件(file comparison software)确定抄袭的比率(如弗吉尼亚大学的免费软件WCopyfind);二是购买以数据库为主的反抄袭服务,如CheckForPlagiarism和CNKI英文检测系统。由于学生提交的稿件都是电子文档,指导老师可以较早地把学生的论文上传到在线检测系统,及时阻止网络抄袭行为。随着高等教育的发展,国内的论文作坊也不计其数,英语专业本科论文价格也依据性质的不同而价格各异。通常,他们数据库中的论文价格在300元人民币左右,而“原创性”的论文则需要1000元以上。在一般情况下,通过在本地计算机或者手机上查看文档属性或者高级属性就可以发现问题。如果结合论文写作过程管理(包括对选题、提纲、原始资料及论文稿件版本的审查),论文作弊的成本就会大大增加。通过查看电子文档属性、对比不同的电子文档版本、跟踪学生的论文修改情况,只是简单地点几个键,买方和卖方就会面临很大的信用风险。这些措施可以在相当程度上规避不诚实行为。












中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2014)09(c)-0135-01


1 毕业论文培养环节与课程教学


2 存在主要问题





3 对课程教学的反拨效应

3.1 语言能力基础课程


3.2 高年级专业课程

高级专业课程主要是指语言学、文学、翻译方向的相关课程,以及一些行业英语课程。这些课程是学生毕业论文题目的主要来源。然而,学生在毕业论文阶段却表现出缺乏问题意识,不能发现问题,更不用说解决问题。而论文选题的动因是在于发现问题,这样才能就题而论,有话可说。[3]这与基础课程养成的被动接受的习惯不无关系,更重要的是在教学中教师通常只激发学生的低级心里过程(lower mental process)。以文学课为例,老师讲授每个时期特点,文学贡献,某个作家的生平,著作,对文学理论进行介绍以及一些著名作品的分析,考试的内容也大致如此。学生只需要简单背诵,再现即可,背诵再现即是不需要思维的低级心里过程。而毕业论文写作恰恰需要调动学生的高级思维过程(higher mental process),需要学生有缜密的外语思维能力,批判的、系统的推理能力和跨文化沟通能力。[4]久而久之,学生自然很难通过自主思维发现问题,即缺乏问题意识。因此,对于选题往往采取“拿来主义”,以至于论文写作时无话可说,只能继续采取“拿来主义”。由此可见,高级专业课程应该思考如何调动学生的高级心里过程,提高学生的问题意识,学会如何发现问题,用缜密严谨的思维分析问题,解决问题。

4 结论



[1] 教育部高等教育司.北京市教育委员会.高等学校毕业设计(论文)指导手册外语卷(修订版)[Z].北京:高等教育出版社 经济日报出版社,2007:1.

[2] 高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组.高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲[Z].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000:5.




1 现状




2 毕业论文摘要翻译中的主要问题


2.1 逐词翻译导致大量中式英语的存在



译:This dissertation analyzes our country’s villages and small towns’ basic survey and the essential feature, and investigates the domestic and foreign estate management development present situation and the villages and small town’s estate management implementation and the construction harmonious community’s relations.

析:由于在翻译时没有考虑英语的句子结构,而是直接从汉语进行翻译,造成了诸多错误或者不当之处。原文中的“我国”在英语中直译成“our country”显然不妥;“构建和谐社区的关系”也直接按照汉语词汇的排列顺序译成“the construction harmonious community’s relations”,而没有考虑到短语中的动宾关系。


译:But the market comparison test appraised because the subjective factor not definite influence created him to have the different accurate problem.


2.2 对词语的确切含义与用法不清楚,导致用词错误



译:technique innovation

析:此处学生将technology与technique两个词混淆起来,没有弄清两个词的区别。technology指科学技术,而technique通常是指技巧或者某种手法。此处的“技术创新”显然是以科学发展为基础,而不在于提高技巧或手法。另外此处学生没有注意到应该用形容词,而不是名词。因此该短语应译为“technical innovation”。


译:This paper introduction…


译:operating strategic


2.3 对英语句子的要求不明确导致大量不断句错误的出现



译:Quality is the life of architectural engineering, there are some factors in causing the poor quality of engineering, but wecan see the most importance is the management.

析:译文为了完全对照汉语原文的结构,用逗号连接“Quality is the life of architectural engineering”与“there are some factors in causing the poor quality of engineering”两部分。然而根据英语语法,两部分分别包括主语和谓语,是两个独立完整的句子,要以句号结束,不能用逗号连接,如果使用逗号的话则必须与连词共同使用。

3 提高学生毕业论文摘要翻译水平的几条对策


3.1 强化大学英语课程的教学,适当调整教学内容


3.2 专业英语课上加强英语语法的教学



3.3 开设专门课程对学生进行辅导





一、 应用型本科英语专业的培养目标

在中华人民共和国教育部高教司2012年颁布的《普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍》 有关英语专业建设的规范中提到英语专业的培养目标是:“培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。”要求学生具备:“掌握运用专业知识发现、分析、解决问题的综合能力、创造性思维能力和科学研究能力”。在此基础上,应用型本科英语专业重点培养符合经济社会发展对英语专业人才需要的应用型人才,更加强调学生的实践活动,注重其应用能力的培养。

二、 翻译方向教学的特点





三、 传统翻译类学术论文的普遍问题


四、 论文改革方式














五、 总结



[1]中华人民共和国教育部高等教育司.《普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍》[M] 北京:高等教育出版社.2012.





中图分类号:G642.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2015)45-0060-02









1.英语专业毕业论文写作现状。①毕业论文结构松散且不完整,通过对所搜集的50名学生的论文分析发现:尽管所收集到的论文都包含开头、主体与结尾,但论文的结构仍显松散且不完整。首先,就论文结构的完整性而言。塔里木大学英语专业大多数毕业生的论文缺少文献综述与研究方法的陈述,除前言和结论之外,大多数论文仅有两部分内容,其中民族学生毕业论文所占比例为98%,汉族学生毕业论文占80%以上。其次,论文结构显松散。在对50名毕业生论文的分析中发现,有18名汉族学生、22名民族学生,即分别为72%的汉族毕业生的论文和88%的民族毕业生的论文缺乏严密的逻辑论证与具有说服力的观点。②论文选题分布不均衡,本研究搜集并整理塔里木大学两届毕业生168篇论文题目,研究发现:尽管英语专业学生有以上五个研究领域可供选择,但学生的选题较为集中,选题分布在每一个研究领域显得很不均衡。比如民族学生论文选题较多集中在语言和应用研究方面,分别占比例为33.7%和45.7%。其次分别是翻译、国际与文学研究,其中文学领域的选题最少,仅占2.2%;汉族学生论文选题多集中于应用研究,占44.7%。其次是国际与文学研究领域,分别18.4%与18.4%,比例相当。最后是语言与翻译研究,尤其是翻译研究最少,仅占5.2%。③写作文体不正式,首先,民汉学生的毕业论文中口语化措辞、表达以及省略形式的使用比较普遍。例如:“Discourse analysis has a lot of methods.”。而且,通过对50名民汉民汉毕业生论文的分析发现,主观性表述与非正式表达较为普遍,例如,“The author calculated and analyzed the data from 40 English major students...”,“下面我把文章的写作思路简单陈述一下.....”等。除此之外,论文中出现歧视色彩的语言,尤其是性别歧视。例如,“As a student learns to read more critically,he usually...”,④忽视写作方法和技巧,研究发现,三分之一的学生不遵循大小写规范。如“Brief analysis on Gatsby’s idealism in The Great Gatsby”,“The Functions of brand names”等。其次是斜体的使用。研究发现,汉族学生经常在斜体使用上犯错误,比如一些学生的毕业论文在直接引用原著的某些内容时不使其斜体。而且,在提到书名、期刊名、剧本名等,汉族学生不会对其斜体或下划线,一些学生甚或直接用书名号代替,比如“in the drama《Hamlet》”。与此同时,论文中存在诸多语法和拼写错误,比如汉族学生经常会把“born”写成“borne”,“knowledgeable”写成“knowledgable”,“由于缺少真时的语言环境”等。语法错误的例子更不计其数,如“BY comparing the difference of the table etiquette between China ans Japan,to realized the difference of diet concept,diet culture,and from this to discover...”;“本文主要通过少数民族大学生英语听力现状,调查了造成这种现状的原因,主要从学生的角度提出了一些对策,旨在帮助这些学生消除听力障碍,提高听力水平”等。⑤文献资料的编写与引用不正确,毕业论文在引用和编写文献资料仍存在以下几个方面的问题。其一,一些学生在列举附加的参考文献很随意。按照论文写作规定,“如果参考文献中包括英语与汉语两种,则应将英文作者和中文作者分开排列。一般将英文作者(也可将中文作者)排在前面,并按其姓氏的字母顺序排列;中文作者按姓氏的汉语拼音字母顺序排列”(张纪英,2006)。其二,参考文献中出现拼写错误,比如作者姓名、期刊或书籍的名称。譬如Scollon,R&L.Philip. Multimodal Discourse Analysis as the Confluence of Discourse and Techology[M]. Washington,DC,Georgetown University Press,2004.其三,一些学生文内引用文献时不标注出处。其四,还有一些学生在参考文献编写时不注意标点符号的使用,常出现中文输入法状态的“,”与“。”等。




1.2 The current situation in oral English learning of non-English major students 1

1.3 Overview of the development of web-based study at home 2

1.4 The significance of the study 2

2. Literature Review 4

2.1 Definition of learning strategies 4

2.2 Classification of learning strategies 5

2.3 Studies on speaking learning strategies 6

2.4 Factors of influencing the choice of speaking learning strategies 8

3. The methodology 10

3.1 The subjects 10

3.2 Instruments 10

3.3 Data collection 11

3.4 Data analysis 11

4. Results and discussion 16

4.1 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies 16

4.2 Frequency of the use of different speaking learning strategies. 16

4.3 Differences in the use of speaking learning strategies by speakers with different factors 17

5. Conclusion 19

Acknowledgements 20

References 21

Appendices 23


1. Introduction

In this part, four sections are included. There are background of this study, the current situation in oral English learning of non-English major students, overview of the Internet development in China and the significance of the study.

1.1 Background of this study

With the fast development of society and the increasing openness to the world, the demands to communicate in English have been expanded to a large degree. College students are required to have a good competence in speaking before entering the society. But the fact is that the actual competence of college students in speaking is far from being satisfactory. It is necessary for us to improve the awareness of using strategies.

In the field of language learning and teaching over the last few decades, a prominent shift has taken place, resulting in great emphasis on learners and learning rather than teachers and teaching. The study of learning strategies has seen an “explosion of activity”. [1]105 In recent years although the history of research into speaking learning strategies is not very long, the study on speaking learning strategies can provide students with valuable suggestions on how to improve oral English in terms of accuracy, fluency, and complexity. Almost 15 researchers abroad have studied on speaking learning strategies. In China, Huang Xiaohua and Chen Sijin have done a great contribution to studies on speaking leaning strategies.

Nowadays, the development of computer science and technology and the prevalence of networks have deeply influenced people’s life, also the language study. However, there are still few researches on the web-based speaking learning strategies. The thesis attempts to make a study on web-based speaking learning strategies.

1.2 The current situation in oral English learning of non-English major students

In China, the teaching of English as a foreign language has been greatly influenced by the traditional education system. The traditional way still pay much attention to the examinations in schools, including colleges and universities either, rather than the application of language. Linguistic form is always the focus of both textbooks and language tests. Besides, under this model, one teacher is always in charge of many students in one class, so the teacher becomes the center of the class and there is little chance for the students to practice oral English. The English language learning is seen as a “knowledge-imparting” process and the English language learning is seen as a “knowledge-receiving’ process. Therefore, there is a misleading that English learners are regarded as passive recipients and do not need any initiative.

According to the investigation by Shi in 2000, college graduates who have strong speaking ability only account for 5%; those who are very weak in speaking account for 37%; those who are competent in international conference discussions account for 7% and those who are competent in foreign trade negotiations account for 14%. In spite of the fact that college students have a long history of learning English, the critical situation still not shift and the ability for the college students to speak English is far from satisfactory.

1.3 Overview of the development of web-based study at home

With the rapid development of computer science and technology and the prevalence of networks, people’s life has been influenced. According to “Survey Report on Internet Development in China” provided by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in January 2007, study is the fourth main goal following getting entertained, making friends and getting resources. In English Learning Teaching, Multi-media Means have been also applied. No one can ignore the great influence of the Internet on people’s daily life, including English study. A lot of people have made full use of the Internet for English study, such as reading or listening global news, watching America or Europe movies or TV series, taking part in chatting rooms for English study, making frien ds from other countries online, etc.

Web-based study can make learning anytime, anywhere available, thereby providing the possibility for lifelong learning. It also changes the relationship between teachers and students and provides increased access to study. Besides, web-based study is a good way to improve the student's critical thinking and analytical skills. [2]245

1.4 The significance of the study 

With the development of global integration and the increased frequency of international communication, new and higher requirements in English study are put forward for college students. Gradually, more and more non-English major students realize the importance of oral English study and try to find out ways to improve their own oral English to a higher level. However, due to the influence of traditional teaching methods, long-time examination-oriented concept and ignorance to oral English in people’s mind, the current situation of college students, especially non-English major students, in oral English is far from being optimistic. From 1960s, language researchers home and abroad have focused on the relationship between oral English study and learning strategies and made deep study on speaking learning strategies.

What’s more, the Internet and computer science has played a more and more important role in people’s life and influenced language learning further. It is evidently an admirable thing, but there is little guidance to the English study online. The study on web-based learning strategies is few, even the study on web-based speaking learning strategies is almost blank. Therefore, this paper chooses a certain amount of non-English major students in ZUST, and studies their present situation or problems during using speaking learning strategies online, hoping to help them to find a suitable way to study online and finally achieve the ultimate goal of improving oral English.


2. Literature Review

In this part, four topics are discussed respectively. They are: definition of learning strategies, classification of learning strategies, studies on speaking learning strategies, factors of influencing the choice of speaking learning strategies.

2.1 Definition of learning strategies

In most of the studies, speaking learning strategies are not separated from learning strategies. The general definition of learning strategies is “mental or behavior activity related to some specific stage in the overall process of language acquisition or language use.” [3]154 In the short history of researches on learning strategies, lots of researches abroad gave definition of learning strategies from perspective of their study. Here are some.

Weinstein and Mayer insist that learning strategies are the behaviors and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning. Learning strategies are intended to influence the learner’s encoding process. 54 The researchers above all think learning strategies are actions useful to language learning but differ in the way learning strategies work.

In 1990, Cohen defines learning strategies as learning processes which are consciously selected by the learners. The element of choice is important here because this is what gives a strategy its special character. These are also moves which the learners are at least partially aware of, even if full attention is not being given to them. 78

In addition, Tarone defines language strategies as “an attempt to develop linguistic and sociolinguistic competence in target language –to incorporate these into one’s interlanguage competence.” [11]65-66 Stern gives the definition as “best reserved for general tendencies or overall characteristic of the approach employed by the language learner, leaving techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of observable learning behavior.& rdquo; [12]57-58

2.2 Classification of learning strategies

2.2.1 Classification of learning strategies abroad

Learning strategies have been classified by many scholars. However, most of these studies do not differ much with each other. Here are three typical classifications:

In the classification of O’Malley and Chamots, there are 3 major types of strategies, namely, cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies. [13]155 O’Malley and Chamot make the classification depending on the level or type of processing involved. The disadvantage of O’Malley and Chamot’s classification is that it has difficulties in its application because the definition of each strategies item seems to be a little vague.

The classification scheme provided by Oxford is believed to be the most comprehensive classification to date. Oxford divided language strategies into two major groups, namely, direct strategies and indirect strategies. [14]54-55

1) Direct strategies: Memory strategies, Cognitive strategies, Compensation strategies.

2) Indirect strategies: Meta-cognitive strategies, Social strategies, Affective strategies.

The classification by Oxford has been widely used and accepted.

Cohen, in his work Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language divided learners’ strategies into two types: language learning strategies and language using strategies. [15]124 Cohen’s classification seems clear and easy to understand, but it is difficult to tell whether it is for language learning or for language use. Besides, his study did not pay attention to meta-cognitive strategies, while many researchers believe that meta-cognitive strategies are one of the most important strategies to language learning.

2.2.2 Classification of learning strategies in China

As we know, in most of the studies, speaking learning strategies are not separated from learning strategies. In China, many researchers have made great contribution to learning strategies. In order to have a good understanding of learning strategies, many researchers focus on the classification of learning strategies. Cheng& Zhen and Wen are two prominent researchers.

Cheng& Zhen put forward two classification schemes. The first one is based on the role that strategies play in the learning process. There are cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, affective strategies and communicative strategies. The second one is based on areas of language knowledge and skills. There are strategies for learning pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and strategies for developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. [16]56

Wen draws a complete system for language learning strategies. In this system, language learning strategies are divided into two categories: the beliefs about language learning and the learning strategies. The former concerns a learner’s viewpoint about how to learn a foreign language, and these beliefs decide the learning strategies one uses. The latter is subdivided into two groups: management skills and learning skills. Management skills are usually related to the language materials, including making study plans, evaluating one’s progress, measuring and modulating one’s affective state and so on; while learning skills generally include how to acquire the abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing, how to deal with new words, how to learn pronunciation and so on. [17]54

2.3 Studies on speaking learning strategies

2.3.1 Nature of oral English

Oral English is different from written English in many ways. Oral English is usually not pre-organized and neat as written English. The sentence in oral English is usually shorter, even not completed or simpler, sometimes wrong in grammar.  Also, we can find that oral English is always much up-dated and could express speaker’s ideals by tones of voice, intonation and stress.

The words are being spoken as they are being decided and as they are being understood. Once spoken, they are gone. While the reader can reread, the listener can have memory problems that will lead to misunderstandings or a request for a repetition. Furthermore, the listener may miss a part of what was said, perhaps through noise, or a moment’s distraction. [18]85

2.3.2 Studies on speaking learning strategies abroad

With the further study of learning strategies, some researchers have made detailed study on speaking learning strategies. Speaking strategies, which are closely related to strategies as in McDonugh’s review, turned out to be a focus among researchers of SLA. L2 researchers on speaking strategies were always divided into two camps:    

1) Socio-linguistically orientated researchers, such as Tarone, who considered such strategies as social interaction.

2) Psycho-linguistically orientated researchers, represented by Faerch and Kasper, who recognized them as part of a planning process.

Through employing the me thodology of interpreting transcripts of learners’ language,the two camps set a destination of ascertaining various lists of possible strategies available to L2 learners, which were separately described by Poulisse and Bialystok. [19]78-79

The most comprehensive project into speaking strategies was conducted at the University of Nijmegen by Kellerman, Bongaerts, and Poulisse in the 1980s. In these studies by the Nijmegen group, verbal report and other methods were used for investigating the situation of the use of L2 speaking strategies, especially those used in compensating for gaps in communicative ability.

O’Malley and Chamot conducted an empirical interventionist study, which “is one of the most comprehensive studies of learner strategies to date”. [20]65 After the test, the members who were given precise and clear training in meta-cognitive,cognitive,and social strategies and affective strategies improved significantly more than the controlled group.

Cohen, Weaver and Li investigated the effects of a range of speaking strategies on three tasks performed by university foreign language students: a self-description, a story retelling, and a description of a favorite city at University of Minnesota. In 2000, there are also three major studies reviewed by Cohen, which dealt with training of speaking strategies, founded on the categorization of speaking strategies. One study was conducted with a survey of 122 first-year and fourth-year students in the English Department at an Egyptian university,half students receiving the treatment and half in the controlled group. A second study involved 60 undergraduates in compulsory English for Arts Student course. 75

2.3.3 Studies on speaking learning strategies at home

From the early 1980s, researchers in China began to pay more and more attention to speaking learning strategies. A thesis named “An investigation of learning strategies in colloquial communication that Chinese EFL learners in China employ” was accomplished by Huang Xiaohua in 1984. In 1985, Huang Xiaohua took a further research on relationship between speaking strategies and speaking proficiency among seniors of English major in Guangzhou Foreign Language Institute. They found that the use of learning strategies was relative to increased language achievement or proficiency and learning strategies had been firmly affirmed to play an active role in language learning. [23]287-307

In 1990, Chen Siqing Published “A study of communication strategies in interlanguage production by Chinese EFL learners” in an international magazine—Language Learning. In the study, the frequency, type and efficiency of using communication strategies by twelve students of foreign language majors were observed and described. [24]24-26

2.3.4 Factors of influencing the choice of speaking learning strategies

During the recent studies on learning strategies, many researchers have found that the use of speaking learning strategies is affected by many factors. And the most common factors are age, language proficiency, learning style, learning beliefs, gender, motivation and culture.

1) Age has been found to affect the use of oral English strategies. Older learners often use complex, sophisticated strategies. Young children respond more readily and intuitively to language “acquisition” in social and communicative situations, while older learners can learn language more steadily by means of cognitive and academic approaches. [25]154

2) L2 proficiency Bialystock found that functional practice correlated significantly with second language proficiency in tenth graders, whereas functional practice, formal practice, and monitoring were related to L2 proficiency in twelfth graders. [26]25

3) Learning styles also affect the choice of L2 learning strategies. Learning styles make a big difference in choosing learning strategies or the learning behavior of an individual.

4) Learning beliefs, as researchers, Weden, Horwitz; Abranham and Vann; Gerardo; Pedro; Yang, suggested, play an important role in dictating the use of learning strategies.

5) Gender differences in the use of learning strategies are indicated by several studies of Oxford and Nyikos, Oxford and Green, Kaylani e.

6) Motivation is also important in successful second language learning. Gardner, D. & L. Miller are typical researchers. Schumann, Oxford and Nyikos, Ehrman and Oxford, Okada also concern much about motivation and learning strategies.

7) Culture may play an important role in shaping particular learning behaviors, as some researchers indicated. Researchers such as O’Malley, Politzer and McGroa try, Scarcella, Carson, Hino, Kohn, Carson and Nelson, Levine, Reves and Leaver and Parry make researches on it. [27]85


3. The methodology

The study was conducted to investigate the current situation of speaking learning strategies used by students from non-English majors who have oral English study online by means of questionnaire survey. The whole chapter is composed of the following components: the subjects, the instruments, data collection, data analysis.

3.1 The subjects

3.1.1 Purpose

The major purposes of the study are: 1) to study the frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies during oral English study online; 2) to find out the differences in the frequency of the use of different speaking learning strategies; 3) to identify the differences in the use of speaking learning strategies by speakers with different factors including gender, major, personality, self-rated proficiency level; 4) to point out that the positive use of speaking learning strategies online is helpful to the improvement of oral English.

3.1.2 Participants

The participants are 107 college students of non-English major in ZUST. They are from different majors and are respectively from science and arts. And also, they are from different grades of different levels.

3.2 Instruments

The questionnaire has been used to gather information on the speaking learning strategies used by students of non-English major who have oral English study online. The students are required to finish the questionnaire in 10 minutes. The questionnaire contains 30 questions, concluding 6 questions about meta-cognitive strategies, 4 questions about cognitive strategies, 6 questions about memory strategies, 4 questions about compensation strategies, 5 questions about affective strategies, and 5 questions about social strategies. It uses five scales ranging from A (“never”) to E (“always”). The latter letter indicates a more frequent use of the Internet or strategies. The first part of the survey questionnaire is for the status of using the Internet for oral English study in ZUST. The second part focuses on the use of six types of strategies. The detailed reflection of different speaking learning strategies used in oral English study online can be represented as below: 1) memory strategies, such as setting up nets of relationships, making use of image and sound, reviewing, acting and so on; 2) cognitive strategies, such as practicing, receiving, and conveying information, analyzing and inferring, setting up rules for inputting and output information; 3) compensation strategies, such as guessing, overcoming deficiencies of language knowledge in speaking and writing; 4) meta-cognitive strategies, such as focusing on key points of learning, arranging and planning learning, evaluating learning; 5) affective strategies, such as lowering anxiety, encouraging oneself, learning about one’s own state of affect; 6) social strategies, such as enquiring about questions, cooperating with others, sympathizing others. The questionnaire is in Chinese, in order to make the participants understand the items better.

3.3 Data collection

The students majoring in science, especially the students majoring in engineering and students majoring in arts of business trade and humanity in ZUST, take part in this survey. The survey conducted during a week in April in 2010. There are different methods or procedures to collect the data in the researches of speaking learning strategies, such as observation, interview, questionnaire, verbal report, diary, etc. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages as well. But considering time-saving principal and the conception of building an environmental society, this survey is made online. During this period, we contact 3 students majoring in engineering in ZUST and then other students to take part in the survey. The students are required to answer the questionnaire in 10 minutes. The participants are advised not to be so bad in English to guarantee the quality of the survey. Then the data will undergo descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics indicate the average level of the use of speaking learning strategies, the difference between two sets of scores, such as the relationship between some learners’ factors and the use of speaking learning strategies, such as gender, major, personality, self-rated proficiency, and the possibility and reliability of the data.

3.4 Data analysis

This paper analyzes the data collected in the research. Section one indicates the frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies during oral English study online. Section two shows the differences in the frequency of the use of different speaking learning strategies. Section three provides the differences in the use of speaking learning strategies by speakers with different factors including gender, major, personality, self-rated proficiency level. For the convenience of calculating, A (“never&rd quo;) to E (“always”) in the questionnaire count 1-5 scores gradually. And all use mean and Std. Deviation to make a contrast between each other and check the possibility of the results.

3.4.1 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies

Table 3.1 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies online and in real life

Category Online In real life

Overall strategies  2.50 4.02

Memory strategies 2.30 4.33

Cognitive strategies 2.57 3.04

Compensation strategies 2. 82 4.83

Meta-cognitive strategies 2. 53 3.12

Affective strategies 2.19 3.03

Social strategies 2.24 4.08

The table 3.1 above shows the mean scores of the use of speaking learning strategies online and in the real life respectively. It is clearly that the frequency of the overall use of speaking learning online only accounts 2.50, greatly lower than that in the real life, which holds 4.02. Besides, the respective scores of the use of different speaking learning strategies are relatively lower than that in the real life.

3.4.2 Frequency of the use of different speaking learning strategies

Table 3.2 Frequency of the use of different speaking learning strategies

Category Mean Std. Deviation

Memory strategies 2.30 2.29

Cognitive strategies 2.57 3.33

Compensation strategies 2. 82 4.91

Meta-cognitive strategies 2. 53 5.18

Affective strategies 2.19 3.43

Social strategies 2.24 3.07

The table 3.2 above shows the mean scores and std. deviation of the use of different speaking learning strategies online. As the survey shows, the most frequent speaking learning strategies used by students are compensation strategies, which accounts for 2.82. The latter two are cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies, which accounts for 2.57 and 2.53 respectively. Affective strategies only have 2.19, which are comparatively low to the overall level.

3.4.3 Differences in the use of speaking learning strategies by speakers with different factors Use of the speaking strategies by different gender

Table 3.3 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies by different gender

Category Male Female

Overall strategies  2.33 2.67

Memory strategies 2.28 2.32

Cognitive strategies 2.53 2.61

Compensation strategies 2.51 2.55

Meta-cognitive strategies 2.49 2.57

Affective strategies 2.18 2.20

Social strategies 2.21 2.27

From table 3.3, we can see that there is no big significant difference in using memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, affective strategies and social strategies between different genders. The overall strategies used by females hold 2.67, higher than 2.33 for males. The use of learning strategies by females is more frequent than the males. Also, the scores of respective speaking learning strategies by the females are always higher than the males. Use of the speaking strategies by different majors

Table 3.4 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies by different major

Category Science Arts

Overall strategies  2.36 2.64

Memory strategies 2.25 2.35

Cognitive strategies 2.51 2.63

Compensation strategies  2.59  2.47

Meta-cognitive strategies 2.31 2.33

Affective strategies 2.15 2.23

Social strategies 2.19 2.29

From table 3.4, the overall use of speaking learning strategies by students from arts occupies 2.64, while the use of those from science occupies 2.36. The students from arts use speaking learning strategies a little more frequent than those of the science. Also, this contrast between males and females can be seen by the scores of each speaking learning strategies in the table3.4. Use of the speaking strategies by different personalities

Table 3.5 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies by different personality

Category Extroverted Introverted

Overall strategies  2.50 2.42

Memory strategies 2.27 2.33

Cognitive strategies 2.58 2.56

Compensation strategies 2.56 2.50

Meta-cognitive strategies 2.28 2.34

Affective strategies 2.19 2.17

Social strategies 2.26 2.21

From table 3.5, the scores of the extroverted students and the introverted students are near the same. And it is not fixed that the scores of the extroverted ones are higher than the introverted ones by each strategies. The score of memory strategies by the introverted occupies 2.33, 0.05 higher than the extroverted. Also, we can see that the score of the meta-cognitive strategies by the introverted is 0.06 higher. There is no big difference in the use of the speaking strategies with different personality, but normally the speaking learning strategies used by the outgoing and confident students are more frequent, especially social strategies, affective strategies and compensation strategies. The use of the speaking strategies by different self-rated proficiency levels

Table 3.6 Frequency of the use of speaking Learning

 strategies by different self-rated proficiency level

Category High Medium Low

Overall strategies  2.53 1.61 0.89

Memory strategies 1.84 1.71 1.12

Cognitive strategies 2.19 1.97 0.98

Compe nsation strategies 1.51 1.57 1.90

Meta-cognitive strategies 2.57 1.63 0.83

Affective strategies 2.83 1.88 0.67

Social strategies 2.11 1.54 0.83

In this part, students are divided into three groups by self-rated proficiency level, namely, high, medium and low. Table 3.6 clearly shows that the strategies used by the participants are significantly and positively related to their proficiency level. The good students with higher-rated proficiency level use more speaking learning strategies and relatively the students with low-rated proficiency level use less speaking learning strategies. In addition, the compensation is often used by the ones who are relatively weak in English, which occupy 1.9 point in the table 3.6.


4. Results and discussion

4.1 Frequency of the use of speaking learning strategies

As the survey shows, the overall use of speaking learning strategies online is still low. The possible reason should be:

First, the college students have not thought high of or even realized the great potential and function of the net to learning. Although the Internet can capture students’ attention easily, it is not often used for study. Students are used to and willing to study in class or by textbooks or homework.

Second, even though a part of students realized the value of Internet to study, they do not know how to study. The further negative effect is that they lose the interest in oral English practicing easily. This may need the teachers to guide them and enlighten their mind with fleshing ideas, innovation and updated rich information about the ways to practice oral English on the Internet.

Third, there is no admirable and pleasant atmosphere for web-based study. As nearly all the students live in the dormitory, they are easily affected by each other. So, an environment full of interaction is advocated. The teachers or the students themselves could build some forums, unions or study groups to arise the atmosphere of study.

The last but not the least, the Internet has so much temptation to allure the students to have some entertainment. So, the Internet itself may reduce the speaking learning use. Students are always weak in self-motivated learning ability and ability to study independently online. As to this, the students themselves should pay more efforts on it.

4.2 Frequency of the use of different speaking learning strategies.

From the data we can see that the most frequent speaking learning strategy used by students online is the compensation strategies. This may be the reason that the average oral English level of non-English major students is not high and a big amount of them is low. When they could not understand what the other talks about during the conversation, they will ask them to repeat or slow down the speed. Since the storage of their vocabulary is limited, when they could not remind of the words or sentences needed, they will choose other words or sentences to replace these words or sentences. And when they could not express themselves clearly, they will try to give examples to elaborate it.

The lower ones to compensation strategies in the survey are cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies. It is gratified that students have an identifying goal of study in English learning and they also take advantage of the Internet resources under a pleasant condition by watching America movie or TV series or listening VOA, BBC, etc. They also try to seek the better way to improve oral English and have the ability to make arrangements.

Affective strategies, memory strategies and social strategies are comparatively lower in the data. Students are easy to be depressed about their oral English and sometimes have the thought to let it be. When confronted with new words on movies, TV series, websites, chatting online, etc, students will not write them down or try to find their meanings. Social strategies could contribute much but are limited by the traditional study habits online. Students have not formed the habits to practice English by e-mails, chatting rooms or other methods online.

4.3 Differences in the use of speaking learning strategies by speakers with different factors

As we can see from the use of the speaking strategies by different genders, majors, personality, and self-rated proficiency level above, English learning factors do affect the oral learning inline.

As to the gender, females pay more attention to the use of speaking learning strategies and have more talents in language learning. Female students are not engaged in many entertainments such as games, etc. But both males and females should make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages

As to the major, the scores of the students majoring in arts are conspicuously superior to the students majoring in science. The thinking pattern and the advantage of sharing emotion and social practice of the students majoring in art makes them superior in the use of speaking learning strategies, while the students majoring in science pay much on the technologies and data than language itself.

As to personality, the extroverted ones gain much. The extroverted personality always represents confident, outgoing and communicating or sharing much with others. The confident and outgoing ones always have a higher self-rated proficiency. If one is more confident and outgoing, then he or she will pay more efforts on how to improve oral English and gain more opportunity to have a communication with others.

As to self-rated proficiency, it is clear that the students with higher self-rated proficiency level use more speaking learning strategies and the students with lower self-rated proficiency level use less speaking learning strategies. In turn, the ones who use varied speaking learning strategies more frequently can always achieve better outcomes in oral English. But as the Internet is only one assisting tool to oral English learning, so, we can not say that it is definitely a deciding factor. But it is sure that frequent use of strategies do contributes to the results of the oral English learning.

At present, however, not too many students regard the speaking learning strategies important, and have not formed a good study mode online. So, I would like to bring up some advice for reference: 1)lowering anxiety and practicing step by step; 2)preparing and planning for using speaking learning strategies; 3)selecting and using proper and suitable strategies for yourself; 4)summarizing your oral study and making adjustments accordingly; 5)going outside and practicing more and more. How to get rid of the barriers of the negative factors and make full use of the positive ones is a wise but a difficult thing. Also, to make full use of the Internet in study and put the speaking learning strategies into the oral English study online are meaningful but still a long way.


5. Conclusion

The above discussion of study and research is by no means comprehensive but it deserves our study.

 Nowadays, Internet is an interesting and fashionable thing to us. It has attracted our eyeballs for a long time and occupied plenty of our time as well. The introduction of Internet brings new vigor to teaching and learning process, but it also tends to be inefficient during the study. Thus, the frequency of using speaking learning strategies online is low. This requires the proper use of speaking learning strategies and efforts by the students.

As the study shows, the most frequent speaking learning strategies used online is compensation strategies. It may after all be accepted as a good way to circumvent the weakness in oral English, but not a good and long-time way to improve oral English level. Other strategies do deserve to use and have some requirements to the learners: the use of cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies requires learners know how to make arrangements for study and have the ability to self-control during the study online. The study of affective strategies shows that an enterprising and perseverant mind is advocated in practicing oral English. Memory strategies request the learners to be more diligent and hardworking to English study. At last, the social strategies are functional and demand the students to explore more gateways of practicing oral English online.

It is evident that learners’ factors can easily affect the use of speaking learning strategies online and some factors can not be changed at once. But, if the learners could foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, and absorb the shining points from the others, there will be a new look of oral English learning.

Speaking learning strategies is by no means helpful to the improvement of oral English, although this paper could not give affirmative support to it. But we can see that the good learners always use speaking learning strategies more frequently.

All in all, it is greatly expected that the learners could make full use of the website and speaking learning strategies during the study online and there will be a better atmosphere of practicing oral English online in the future.



My initial thanks go to my supervisor Louqing, who patiently supervised my dissertation and was at times very willing to offer me illuminating advice or suggestions. Without her help, I could not have finished this dissertation.

I am also indebted to other teachers and my classmates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also shared with me their ideas and books. They are Yangxue, Chenliang, Fanyanlong, wangbo and many others.

My greatest personal debt is to my grandparents and parents, who have cultivated a soul of sensitivity, hospitality, and honesty out of me, and offered a harbor of happiness and sweetness for me.

The remaining weakness and possible errors of the dissertation are entirely my own.



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性别:                 A 男            B女  


科别:                A 理工科        B文科 

你的性格特征:                 A内向           B外向       

你认为你目前的英语综合水平:   A很差           B一般         C优秀




A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是


A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是



A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是


A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

6、在说话前, 我先把想说的话组织好再说。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


7、我浏览各种英文网站、听英文录音VOA,BBC,. etc及看英文视频等,听和练习口语。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

9、听VOA,BBC,. etc 或欧美剧等英文视频时,我会模仿其说话方式、语音语调及用词。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

10、听VOA,BBC,. etc 或欧美剧等英文视频时,我会小声跟着说。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

12、记单词时, 我会想到同根的词或近义词、反义词等相关词汇。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


 A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


17、QQ聊或聊天室语音等方式交流时, 我会努力猜测TA接下去将说什么。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

18、QQ聊或聊天室语音等方式交流时, 当不懂对方所言时,会请求对方重复或放慢语速。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

19、QQ聊或聊天室语音等方式交流时, 当与别人交谈时想不起某个词 时, 我会使用同义词(组)。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

20、当不能表达自己时, 我会举例等方式进行解释。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

23、说英语紧张时, 我会想办法消除它。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是




A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是


A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是



A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是


A从不     B很少    C有时      D经常    E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

6、在说话前, 我先把想说的话组织好再说。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

12、记单词时, 我会想到同根的词或近义词、反义词等相关词汇。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


 A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

19、英语聊天时, 当与别人交谈时想不起某个词时, 我会使用同义词(组)。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

20、当不能表达自己时, 我会举例等方式进行解释。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是

23、说英语紧张时, 我会想办法消除它。

A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是


A从不    B很少      C有时     D经常   E总是



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